In famous Disney animation The little mermaid, there is a little mermaid princess named Ariel who is well known to have an a pair of lake-like green eye with impressive wine-colored micro-rolls smooth hair. A lot of girls dream of having the same beautiful hair as hers. Today it's not only a dream for them any more, as supernova hair company has introduced 99j burgundy hair to make it come true.
To better meet the preference and match the skin tone of customers, our company have introduced two colorways light 99j and dark 99j for selection as below pictures.
1.Which 99j color is better for you?
As there are two colorways for 99j lace wig, which color to choose will be a question. Generally choosing a hair color close to skin tone will not fail. So for 99j burgundy color, we recommend women with light skin choose light 99j which will reflect your complexion more bright and look vivacious, and for dark 99j which seems with more black shade could be more suitable to who with dark skin. On the contrary, there will be a strong contrast, if the hair color is too bright for their skin tone. Below picture are examples of those who are choose right color. Of course, about this question, everyone have their own opinions for it, please be free to advise.
2.What’s the construction of the 99j wig?
The front of the 99j burgundy wig is composed of swiss medium brown lace closure or frontal. Apart from 99j lace forntal wig,99j lace closure wig (4*4,5*5 and 6*6) and now even 99j 13*6 lace frontal wig is available. To make the hairline more natural and realistic, baby hair is pre-cut and plucking is pre-done . And it will save your time to do that again. Inside of the wig there are three combs scattered in both sides and front for you to better fix the wig, and adjustable strap at back could be used to adjust cap size to properly fit your head.
Except for pre-made wig, there are lace closure and frontal with bundles provided on our website for you to make a wig yourself.
3.How many hair textures for 99j hair?
Now six kinds of hair textures are available for 99j burgundy hair including straight, body wave, curly, loose deep, deep wave and natural wave. So there are many choices for you to perfectly match your feature, body shape and personality. Moreover, different textures allow you to create diverse styles, and show your muti-faceted temperament. For example, 99j body wave may better present your elegance, curly make you look fashionable, 99j straight short bob adds more to your loveliness. There must be a texture you prefer.
All in all, welcome to WIGGINS hair to try 99j burgundy hair,and be the little mermaid you want to be.