Hi my beautiful friends! Do you know how to style your hair extensions. I have a beautiful hair customer to give us a hair dyeing tutorial on how to turn natural black Body Wave Hair to gorgeous Blonde hair.
How to Dye Brazilian Body Wave
1. Test the dye on a few strands of hair. With your fingers or a small paintbrush, apply the dye to a small section of hair. This should be somewhere that is not easily seen. Wait thirty or forty minutes. If you like the color, apply it to the rest of the Brazilian Hair Weave. If you don’t like the color, try a different shade of hair dye.
2. Soak the Brazilian body wave in the dye. Place the Brazilian body wave in the bowl with the dye. With your hands, gently scoop the dye over the Brazilian body wave and spread it through the layers of the Brazilian body wave. Be gentle. Try not to roughly rub the dye into the Brazilian body wave.
3. Set the Brazilian body wave onto a Brazilian body wave stand. A Brazilian body wave stand will keep your Brazilian body wave's shape and style intact after you dye it. Place the Brazilian body wave on the stand as you would put it on your own head. Secure the Brazilian body wave to the stand using T-pins.
4. Brush through the Brazilian Hair. Use a comb or a Brazilian body wave brush to distribute the dye throughout the Brazilian body wave. Make sure that the dye is evenly applied to the entire Brazilian body wave. This will help the dyed hair look more natural.
5. Leave the Brazilian body wave to let the color set. Read the package on the dye to see how long you should leave it. In most cases, this will be thirty or forty minutes. If you can’t find this information, check the Brazilian body wave every ten minutes. When it has reached the right color, you can wash it.
6. Washing the Hair
Shampoo the Brazilian body wave. Use a color-safe shampoo or a special Brazilian body wave shampoo. Place the Brazilian body wave under a tap with warm water to get rid of any excess dye before lathering the Brazilian body wave with shampoo. Rinse out the shampoo when you are done.
Let the Brazilian body wave dry. You can let it air dry or you can use a hair dryer on a low setting. If you are air drying the Brazilian body wave, leave it on the stand until it is completely dry. If you are blow drying it, run the hair dryer up and down through your hair. Make sure that the Brazilian body wave does not overheat.